Did Imam Ali (A) named his children after 3 Caliphs ?

Did imam ali (a.s) have 3 children named abubakar, omar and othman?if its true why?

Answer:- These names were commonly used by people of that time and they were not special names of the Saqeefa group, so using them did not have any meaning or any sign of praise to the three persons who took the Khilafat.
Many scholars say that the son of Imam Ali by the name of Uthman was named after the pious Sahabi Uthman Ibn Madh'oon who was one of the sincere followers of the Prophet (SAWA) and Imam Ali (AS).
The other two sons were Mohammad who had a Kuniya ( nick name of Abu Bakr) and other was Amr and not Omar.
The opponent of Ahlul Bayt (AS) claim that these names means that the relationship between the three and Ahlul Bayt (AS) was good, but say of it was good, then why Imam Ali (AS) attacked the three in Shaqshaqiya sermon ? And why no one from the three called any of his sons after the names of Ahlul Bayt (AS)?


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