The late Agha Seyyid Mohsin Al-Hakim had given the ruling
that industrial alcohol is Najis. I hear that Agha Seyyid Abul
Qasim Al-Khoui has given the ruling that it is Tahir. Is
it correct?
A. Yes. Agha Seyyid Mohsin Al-Hakim (r.a.) gave a ruling that
industrial alcohol was Najis, even if one did not know that it
was made of Najis things. Now, Agha-e-Al-Khoui has been told
by many chemists that absolute alcohol (i.e. having less than
one percent water) in itself is not intoxicating; it only intoxicates
when it is mixed with some other liquids.
Acting on this information, Agha-e-Al-Khoui has said that alcohol
in itself is not Najis; but when it is mixed with other liquids
and creates intoxication then that liquid is najis
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