Advice from H.E. Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sistani – may God protect him – on the 40th day Visit to Imam Husain (pbuh) In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful All praise is due to God, Lord of the Worlds. May peace and blessings shower upon our Master...
Virtues of Marching to Karbala
Shias and devotees of Imam Hussein (AS) from every age, ethnic and racial national background go to Karbala on foot every year to visit the mausoleum of the Imam (AS) on the day of Arbaeen, which marks the day when the prisoners of the Battle of Karbala, the...
On 12/24/2013 11:46:00 am
Suicide bomber kills 11 at Shiite funeral in Iraq
A suicide bomber attacked a Shiite shrine in Iraq Tuesday, killing 11 people, including some mourning seven who were shot dead earlier in the day, police and a doctor said.The blast at the Abu Idris shrine in Baquba, northeast of Baghdad in the religiously and ethnically mixed province...
On 12/11/2013 08:22:00 pm
Imam Ali bin Husain (as) shedding blood on his father Imam Husain (a.s.)
The writer of Mustadrak al-Wasail, Muhaddis Mirza Husain Tabarisi narrates the following in his book Daar al-Salam: أنه جاء في بعض المجاميع للمتأخرين ما لفظه روي : عن علي بن الحسين عليه السلام أنه ذات يوم من الأيام وضع بين يديه شيء من الطعام والشراب ، فذكر جوع...
On 12/09/2013 11:26:00 pm
Pakistani Shia ulema demanded Security for mourning processions
Chief of the board Agha Hamid Ali Moosavi said at a meeting of its office-bearers here on Saturday that Shia people would not accept any ban on Azadari (mourning for martyrs of Karbala) because it was an integral part of their faith on which no compromise could...
On 12/08/2013 03:07:00 pm
Q & A ON AZADARI - by Syed Saeed Akhtar RIzvi

Q98: MOURNING FOR THE MARTYRS OF KARBALA On Ashura day (12/5/1965) an article of mine was published in the Standard Tanzania, D' Salaam, on the tragedy of Karbala. Mr. A. Robley of Arusha (a Qadiani) in a letter to editor protested that mourning for the dead was against the...
On 12/08/2013 10:16:00 am
Iraqis fight to the death to defend Shia shrines in Syria
In Damascus, Shia men from Iraq fight to the death to defend the Shia shrine of Sayyida Zaynab, the daughter of Ali and Fatimah and the grand-daughter of the Prophet Mohamed. Sattar Khalaf, an Iraqi wounded in Damascus, says: “Fighting in Syria is just to defend the shrines...
On 12/07/2013 02:24:00 pm
Muharram – The month of revival of religion
The advent of Muharram upsets some people, of course unnecessarily, whose main concern is to suppress the propagation of the incident of Karbala. They are disturbed at seeing so many people attending the assemblies (majaalis) of Imam Husain (a.s.) and their primary objective is to curtail the turnout...
On 12/05/2013 09:49:00 pm
Azadari Q & A- Grand Ayatullah sistani (Urdu)

سوال و جواب » شعائر دینی تلاش کریں ۱سوال: امام حسین علیہ السلام کی عزاداری اور ماتم میں کپڑے اتار کر ننگے بدن مسجد میں ماتم کرنا کیسا ہے؟ جواب: جایز ہے۔ ۲سوال: جلوس وغیرہ میں ننگے ہو کر ماتم کرنے کا کیا حکم ہے؟ جواب: کوئی حرج...
On 12/05/2013 05:50:00 pm
Taqi Agha of Hyderabad boycotted for his controversial Statement on Imam Hussain (a)

"All India Shia Majlise Ulema o Zakireen", Hyderabad Deccan Presides by Moulana Raza Agha Saha Qibla, have called a boycott of Syed Taqi Raza Abedi (Taqi Agha) on behave of the Shia Community of Andhra pradesh for his controversial Statement on Imam Hussain (a) and Blood Shedding (khooni Matam)....
On 12/02/2013 02:37:00 pm
A Chinese investor converts to Shiite Islam on Eid al-Qadir / Pics
A Chinese investor has converted to Shia Islam in Iran’s holy city of Qom and has been renamed after the first Shia Imam Ali (PBUH).Hong Jun Shen, known as Richard, has so far made investments in different parts of Iran, quoted Hawzah News Agency as reporting.The conversion...
On 10/28/2013 07:31:00 pm
Website has been launched by Imamat Cultural Institute under the supervision of Ayatollah Milani.
Ayatullah Milani The website was launched in English language on the occasion of Eid Al-Qadir.Besides criticizing and analyzing theological topics, the website deals with arguments regarding Shiism, making use of Sunni sources in studying, answering and refuting allegations.The library of the website presents a number of precious English...
On 10/28/2013 07:31:00 pm
Islamic awareness program on the Importance of Ghadeer in lucknow

Special Islamic Awareness Program on 25th October on Eid-e-Ghadeer at Maqbara- Aliya Golaganj, Lucknow After Namaze-Maghribain. This program is organized by Maulayi Lovers of Ahlebait(as) Association. Its aim is to spread awareness about the biggest Eid of Islam and how its not in the mainstream among muslims to...
On 10/26/2013 02:17:00 pm
The History of Ghadir Khumm

Date The date of this event was the 18th of Dhu'l-Hijjah of the year 10 AH (10 March 632 CE). Location After completing his last pilgrimage (Hajjatul-Wada'), Prophet [s] was leaving Makkah toward Madinah, where he and the crowd of people reached a place called Ghadir Khumm (which is close...
On 10/24/2013 04:38:00 pm
Indian Shia ready for Eid-e-Ghadeer celebrations on Thursday
One of the important event in history of Islam Eid-e-Ghadeer will be celebrated in different parts of Lucknow and other cities of the country. Notably, Eid-e-Ghadeer is celebrated on the Day of Ghadeer of history when Prophet Mohammad(saw) announced the Wilayah (Guardianship) of Hazrat Ali(as) at a...
On 10/23/2013 04:25:00 pm
New Hadith Software “Dirayat-ul-Thaqalayn” to Be Unveiled on Eve of Eid Al-Qadir
On the auspicious occasion of Eid Al-Qadir, a new Hadith software package named “Dirayat-ul-Thaqalayn” will be unveiled. Grand Ayatollah Safi-Golpayegani will take part in the unveiling ceremony on Tuesday, October 22. The package is a collection of software containing Shia Hadith, information about Hadith narrators and the Isnad...
On 10/22/2013 06:13:00 pm
Grand Ayatollah Ali Safi Golpaigani urged Muslims to mark the historical event of Al-Ghadeer.
Islamic Jurisprudent, Ayatollah Ali Safi Golpaigani urged Muslims to mark the historical event of Al-Ghadeer. The religious cleric extended his sincere felicitations on the occasion of Al- Ghadeer Eid and congratulated all Shia people around the world.The religious cleric called on Shia people to introduce and show the...
On 10/22/2013 06:05:00 pm
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