Sheikh Yasser al-Habib Calls on Hassan Naserulah to Denounce Demashqyah

On the eve of the first night of the month of Ramadan, Sheikh Yasser al-Habib denounced the vile statement that was made by the Lebanese Nasibi Abdul Rahman Demashqyah and expressed his total condemnation.
That (Ma’aboon), the one who suffers from a hyper or rife itchiness in the inward linings deep inside his rectum, abused both the Lady of Universe Fatima Peace be upon her and her husband the Commander of the Faithful peace be upon him.
Sheikh al-Habib addressed, in his improvised speech, all those pseudo turbans in the Shia world that joined forces two years ago against him. Shia fake turbans went out of their ways in defence of Aisha after the news spread that a party was organised in London commemorating the anniversary of her End.
Sheikh al-Habib wondered what has happened to the so-called Shia scholars who defended Aisha. What happened to their voices? Why do not they say something to the one who seriously committed an offence to Fatima peace be upon her?
Sheikh Yasser requested the Shia ordinary believers to compare the levels of reactions then and now. Sheikh al-Habib wondered if those silent Shia leadership voices do possess a full share in Shiaism or not?
He reminded the Shia at large that the vast majority of the Shia Umma does not abide by the pure Shia Pathway. He pleaded with the Shia not to resent his words.
Sheikh al-Habib pointed to the noise levels made when he put Aisha’s honour under the lime light on the one hand; and the slumber of the Shia when the honour of Sayeda Narjis peace be upon her got vilified by Salafi Nawasib figures in various Media venues in the Middle East like Safa and Wesal Satellite TV Channels.
He added that some Shia turbans do not find it necessary to get infuriated for Fatima peace be upon her honour even. Sheikh Yasser prayed that Allah Al Mighty will gather those Shia with their mother Aisha in Judgment Day.
Sheikh Yasser al-Habib referred also to the account made by the one called Hassan Naserulah who alleged that the Sheikh was “an agent used and employed by British Intelligence”.
Sheikh al-Habib prayed and supplicated earnestly to Allah Al Mighty through the esteemed status of Fatima peace be upon her. He said in response to the sinful allegation of Naserulah: “Oh Allah! If what he accused me with is true, if I were truly an agent of anyone or employed by British Intelligence Services, Oh Allah then do Gather me with Qunfuth, Shimer and Aisha on Judgement Day”!
Sheikh Yasser stressed that every single Shia person should know the implications and consequences of that Duaa/ prayer he had just made against himself.
Shia should realise only truthful, honest and faithful people are able to make such prayers against themselves because they are certain of their inner decency. He finished off the earlier prayer by adding: “Oh Allah, if those accusations were false and they lied about me, then Oh Allah gather them with Qunfuth, Shimer and Aisha”!
Sheikh al-Habib was flabbergasted. He could not refrain from expressing his agony caused by those Shia leaders who are ready to cast aside all signs of evidence and legitimise for themselves lying, slandering, defaming and smearing.
Sheikh al-Habib added: “let us wait and see if the (Salahudeen of our Time) would ever get enraged and up in arms for Fatima Al Zahra peace be upon her. The one who outrageously uttered the words of unbelief and affronted Fatima peace be upon her is Lebanese himself. Naserulah is equally Lebanese.
During his last sermon, Naserulah was quoted saying: “my dealings are only with the Lebanese, do not come and talk to me about the Shia figures who disrespect the symbols of our brothers, those who live in London and are employed by British Intelligence”.
Sheikh al-Habib urged Naserulah to validate his pride and dignity. Naserulah is supposed to push his political and religious allies from the Bakri sect to apprehend Demashqyah in support of Al Zahra peace be upon her. After all, Naserulah is the one who offered the so called (Covenant of Honour) among the Lebanese to ease sectarian tensions, though terms and conditions are by far in favour of the Bakris.
Naserulah deal for them was on the line of: no Shia in Lebanon will speak ill of Bakri figures, Bakris can continue speaking and fully praising their own figures at schools, Media and so on.
In other words, no Shia public figure in Lebanon has the right to condemn the acts of Aisha, Omer , Mouwaya etc in public or private forums and the rest of Bakris can praise, pay tribute to and show appreciation to the enemies of Ahlu Al Bayet peace be upon them all as they wish and as per normal. That was his deal for them!


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