Was Prophet Muhammad PBUHHP assassinated?

Was Prophet Muhammad PBUHHP assasinated or did he die a natural death? Please provide me with both Shia and sunni references.
It is mentioned in both Sunni and Shia books that the Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) was poisoned, as you can see in Saheeh al Bukhari(Hadeeth 4165, 2617, 4428 and 5777) and Saheeh Muslim (Hadeeth 2190), and Musnad Ahmad Bin Hanbal, 2/451, and Sunan Abi Dawood (Hadeeth 4508), and Sunan al Daarimi 1/32, and Al Mustadrak by al Haakim 3/19 and 3/209. In Shia books you can see Bihaarul Anwaar 6/21 and 27/217 and many other books, Although there is an agreement between Sunni and Shia scholars that the Prophet was poisoned, but there is a difference on the origin of the poison, as many Sunni books narrate that it was by a Jewish woman from the time of Khaybar which was long before the death of the Prophet (SAWA), while you see in Sunni books that the Prophet was forcibly given a drink when he was unconscious during his heavy illness against his wish and against his clear orders, and when he came to know about it, he told them : Did I not tell you not to give me that drink? and he ordered to give the same to all who were present except his uncle. Saheeh al Bukhari (Hadeeths 4458, 5712, 6886, and 6897) and Saheeh Muslim (Hadeeth 2213) and Musnad Ahmad Bin Hanbal 6/53,118.


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