Rulings on Hijab: Ayatullah Saeed Al Hakim

 Q [1]  I am 13 years old female. Do I have to wear socks when I go outside?
 Yes, covering the feet in the presence of non Mahram is obligatory based on compulsory precaution.
 Q [2]  I always cover my hair and sometimes my neck gets out is it haram or no?
 It is obligatory to cover the neck in the presence of non Mahram
 Q [3]  Should the chin be covered while wearing hijab or it can be shown just like you show the rest of the face?
 It is unlawful for women to uncover under the chin in the presence of non Mahram.
 Q [4]  According to Sura Nour old women need not to wear hijab, is it correct?
 Yes, the ones that have reached the age of despair.
 Q [5]  A lot of women in the Western countries deny the status of hijab. They said that in the modern life hijab isn't necessary because rest of society is not wearing it.
1. What is the status of hijab in Islam?
2. Is hijab obligatory, recommended or makruh?
3. In which context are women allowed to stop wearing hijab?
 Hijab is mandatory for a woman and she can not leave it after reaching the age of puberty which is completing the age of nine lunar years. She must continue to wear it until she reaches the time of discontinuing the monthly cycle of menstruation which is known as the age of despair.
Hijab is a religious obligation that does not change because of time and place. The laws of the Islamic religion are from God and last until the Day of Judgment.
 Q [6]  What kind of hijab or better to say covering is suitable for women & what kind of them are not?
 A woman is urged to pay great attention to her virtue and not be looked at by men in a desirable way. What is needed in hijab is to observe this issue.
 Q [7]  What color is suitable for women's hijab & why?
 There is no set color to hijab. It is best to observe what is mentioned in the previous answer.
 Q [8]  Under what circumstances, does the face veil [niqab] become obligatory?
 A woman is not obligated to cover her face. Yes, she is not permitted to display her facial adornment except for the kohl which she is permitted to show to non Mahram.
 Q [9]  Is my non Muslim father allowed to see my wife without Hijab?
 Yes, he is allowed.
 Q [10]  In the West Men and Women usually shake hands at work and outside work when they are introduced. Sometimes they even kiss each other on the cheek or hug each other. This is considered normal practice and if a Muslim does not do it he is seen as anti-social and if he gives a religious excuse he is seen as a fanatic. This leads at times to losing one's job or at least negative feelings or ostracization.
In such a situation may a Muslim man shake hands, kiss or hug a Non-Mahram woman without lust of course?
 It is not permissible to do so. Muslims are obligated to implement the teachings of their religion in a kind and calm way so others may understand their religion gradually.
 Q [11]  A man with a son from a different woman marries a woman with a daughter from a different man. The son of the man and the daughter of the woman now live in the same house and they consider each other as step brother and sister and it is very difficult for the daughter to constantly wear hijab in front of her step-brother. The son and daughter have no intention or desire to ever marry each other as they view each other as brother and sister.
Because of the hardship that the girl faces in wearing hijab in front of her mother's husband's son may she remove her hijab in front of him? Is it allowed for them to touch without lust? 
 It is not permissible and hijab is obligatory in the said case.
 Q [12]  If there is a woman who wears Hijab who wants to work on a TV Channel where they have to put on makeup on her face because of the studio lightings that are present - is it allowed? Also is it allowed to wear makeup when going for a job interview to look more presentable or if not wearing makeup would jeopardize the job opportunity or put the women in difficulty?
 It is not permissible for women to put on makeup in the presence of non mahram in the mentioned cases and other cases as well.
 Q [13]  In hijab, can you put your hair up in a ponytail and put the scarf on top of it?
 It is obligatory to cover the hair in the presence of non mahram. Other than that is permissible.
 Q [14]  It is permissible for a woman not to observe headscarf in situations where she is ridiculed by society, given uncomfortable glances, and risks losing her job because of the dress restrictions at the job?
 She should observe her religion, continue to wear hijab, ignore the said glances and not pay attention to such discomforts. She is rewarded for such tolerance and patience in the way of guarding the religion.
Losing the job is not an excuse not to wear hijab. Almighty Allah said: “And whosoever keeps his duty to Allah, Allah will appoint a way out for him”.65:2-3.
 Q [15]  Does a 55 years old woman whose menstruation did not end naturally but by having an operation to remove womb etc. need to continue wearing hijab. Can she assume that by this age she would have naturally stopped?
 If the woman was not a descendent of Qurasih, then the time of the despair of menstruation is reaching the age of fifty. If she was a descendent of Quraish, then the time of respire of menstruation is the age of sixty. Based on the mentioned, the criterion is reaching the mentioned ages.
 Q [16]  What is the Islamic position concerning a woman uploading photos of herself with proper hijab online? Is the Islamic position different if only women are able to see the photos?
 It is permissible to do so if it does not involve another prohibition.
 Q [17]  I am living in India. Is wearing Manto plus covering the nose is a complete hijab for a girl or women? A woman should wear nose-piece in countries like India?
 The said hijab is religiously acceptable. If the nose-piece is considered from the social point of view as a beautifying agent then it is prohibited to present it in the presence of non Mahram. If it is not recognized like that, then it is permissible to show it.
 Q [18]  Is it allowed in Islam for a woman to braid another woman hair with weave which is fake hair, knowing that whoever has this fake hair on her head does not wear the hijab?
 Yes, it is permissible. The prohibition of not wearing the hijab is on the woman that shows her hair in presence of non Mahram men.

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