According to a report released by Vali Asr World Center, celebrations were held in Ayatollah Bahrul Ulum’s house in the holy city of Najaf on the auspicious occasion of Ghadir Eid, the day of the guardianship of the Commander of the Faithful, Ali, peace be upon him.
The program started with recitation of a few verses from the Holy Quran followed by elegies presented by poets and eulogists in Arabic, Urdu and Farsi about the virtues and excellences of the Commander of the Faithful, Ali, peace be upon him.The program was held at 8:00 PM and continued until 1:00 AM with poets and eulogists presenting their poems and reciting elegies in commemoration of the immediate successor of the Holy Prophet – peace be upon him and his noble progeny – and also about and goals of Ghadir and the responsibilities of the proponents of Ghadir over the history.
Addressing the gathering, Ayatollah Mirdamadi said, “The biggest duty is to acquire knowledge, knowledge of God, the Messenger and knowledge of God’s proof (hujjah).”
“The lowest rank of knowledge is to admit the prophethood of the Messenger of Allah. But we must believe in what he has brought down from God, the Exalted. His orders and prohibitions are from God. Now we must know whether the followers of the caliphs and those who are opposed to Ghadir accept the Prophet of God or not,” His Eminence further added.
Ayatollah Bahrul Ulum noted, “Hasn’t Ghadir been reported by both sects? Or is it that only Shia has reported this incident? How is it possible for an individual who accepts the Messenger of Allah (s) to reject his sermon about the successorship of the Commander of the Faithful, Ali (a.s.)?”
“The theoretical Ghadir is the day of Ghadir Khum. On this day, the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, explained the foundation of divine government and introduced the ruler after him but as of now the government has not reached in the hand of its owner i.e. the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) and his pure offspring. But the practical Ghadir is the day of happiness of the Imam of Time (atf) on which the foundations and goals of the Messenger of Allah (s) in establishing a divine government are actualized. It is on this day that the enemies of the religion and the hypocrites are doomed to destruction and annihilation,” Ayatollah Bahrul Ulum said.
At the end, a number of seminary students were given turbans and clerical clothing by Ayatollah Bahrul Ulum to wear so as that they may be enlisted among the soldiers of the Guardian of Age, the Imam of Time – may Allah hasten his reappearance.