‪#‎whoisMuhammad - Defending the Holy Prophet (sawws): The Reality

Defending the Holy Prophet (sawws): The Reality

It is encouraging to see campaigns such as ‪#‎whoisMuhammad‬ spreading and getting media attention, together with other peaceful ways Muslims are expressing their condemnation of any way the holy Prophet is attacked or wrongly depicted.

Yet the reality is, defending the Prophet is more than sending tweets or issuing statements.

To defend the Prophet of Islam is not just to change profile pictures, but to change ourselves to the better and learn from his excellent example of morality and spirituality

To defend the holy Prophet is not just to change facebook statuses, but to seek understanding of his status, be cognizant of his reality and what the holy Quran teaches us about him

To stand in defence of the holy Prophet is to obey him, follow his footsteps, learn from his beautiful teachings and not represent him in a negative way. Hence we attain God's love (Holy Quran 3:31)

To support the cause of the Prophet means to hold on to the Quran and the Ahlulbayt (as) and follow them, as mentioned many times by the Holy Prophet (sawws) and accepted by all Muslims as completely authentic.

To defend the Prophet means to defend the holy Quran, by reciting it, memorizing it and understanding its mesmerizing words, putting them into action

To be with the Prophet against these attacks is to denounce and reject the narrations found in some hadith books, which depict him so badly (example, He wanted to commit suicide (God forbid) or forgot the Quran!)

To defend the Prophet means to know his life and seera, from reliable sources, and to present this in an appropriate way to the non-Muslim world

To be true followers of the holy Prophet does not mean we simply react to provocations or other incidents, but have organisations and think-tanks that proactively advance the teachings of the greatest human being and depict his true character and wonderful personality

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We are group of Shia students whose aim is to make reach the fact about real islam and answer the doubts raised against shiaism in mondern days.


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