Who is Aytaullah Sadiq Shirazi?

The Eminent Grand Islamic Authority Ayatollah Sayid Sadiq Hussaini Shirazi was born on the 20th of August 1942 in the Holy City of Karbala, Iraq. Descending from a lineage that links back to the Prophet of Islam Mohammad, peace be upon him and his progeny.Family and backgroundThe Grand Ayatollah Sayid Sadiq Hussaini Shirazi was born into an honorable and revered family, and a family well known for their knowledge, sacrifice and leadership. The linage of this eminent character includes praiseworthy and venerated personalities that played great roles of leadership during their times; of them are:
  1. The Great Grand Islamic Authority Ayatollah Sayid Mohammad Hassan Shirazi, the leader of the Tobacco Protest and revolution in the Qajar era.
  2. The Great Grand Islamic Authority Ayatollah Mirza Mohammad Taqi Shirazi, the Islamic leader of the 1920 Iraqi Revolt against the British.
  3. The Grand Ayatollah Sayid Ali Shirazi, the son of the great Grand Al Mujadid al Shirazi who was of the greatest Maraji in the Holy City of Najaf.
  4. The Grand Ayatollah Sayid Isma’el al Shirazi, one of the greatest scholars of his time and the student of Imam Mirza Hassan Shirazi.
  5. The Great Grand Islamic Authority Ayatollah Sayid Abdulhadi al Shirazi, the grand Marja Taqlid of his time; and who of his students were: Ayatollah Shaikh Wahid Khorasani, Shaikh M. Redha Muthafar, Ayatollah Mirza Jawad Tabrizi and Sayid Musa al Sadr.

His eminence was the student of revered and honorable great grand scholars of the Islamic seminary, several of his noble teachers were:
  1. His honorable father, the great grand Ayatollah Sayid Mirza Mahdi al Shirazi.
  2. His elder brother, the Grand Ayatollah Imam Mohammad Shirazi
  3. His elder brother, Ayatollah Sayid Hassan Shirazi
  4. The Grand Ayatollah Sayid Mohammad Hadi Milaani
  5. The Grand Ayatollah Shaikh Mohammad Retha Isfahaani
  6. Ayatollah Shaikh Mohammad Shahroudi
  7. Ayatollah Shaikh Mohammad Kalbaasi
  8. Ayatollah Shaikh Ja’far Rashti
  9. Ayatollah Shaikh Mohammad Hussain Mazandaraani
  10. Ayatollah Shaikh Abdulrahim Qumi

The Grand Ayatollah Sayid Sadiq Shirazi has written several books in different fields of knowledge. His eminence has written books concerning Islamic Seminaries and its honorable students, such as:
  1. Sharh al Roudhah fi Sharh al Lum’ah
  2. Sharh al Shara’i
  3. Sharh al Tabsirah
  4. Sharh al Suyooti
  5. Sharh al Samadiyah
  6. Sharh al Awaamil
  7. Mujaz fi al Mantiq and many others.

His eminence has also published books concerning Islamic sciences that vary in their topics from politics, economy, sociality, ethics, doctrine and theology; such as:
  1. Imam Ali (a.s) in the holy Quran
  2. Fatimatul Zahra (a.s) in the holy Quran
  3. Al Mahdi (a.s) in the holy Quran
  4. Al Mahdi (a.s) in the Sunnah
  5. Ahl al Bait (a.s) in the Quran
  6. The Shia’ in the Quran
  7. Truths regarding the Shia
  8. Al Uqoobat fi al Islam
  9. Politics from the reality of Islam
  10. Qiyaas in Islamic Shari’a
  11. Riba, the economical problem
  12. Al Islaah al Ziraa’I fi al Islam
  13. Salaat al Jama’ah and its status in Islam
  14. Fasting
  15. Alcohol, along with many other subjects and titles.
His lessons and honorable students have proven his level of knowledge and understanding of Islamic teachings and the ability of deducting Islamic verdicts, which resulted in grand and eminent scholars testifying to his level of Ijtihaad. Of these Grand Maraji Taqlid is the teacher of Mujtahideen and Jurists, the Grand Islamic Authority and Jurist, Imam Sayid Mohammad Hussaini Shirazi, as his eminence issued:
First Letter:
In the name of Allah, Most merciful Most kind.
All praise is due to Allah lord of the worlds, and may the peace and prayers be bestowed upon the Prophet Mohammad and his pure progeny.
The Respected Ayatollah Haaj Sayid Sadiq Hussaini Shirazi, May Allah prolong his life, has reached a lofty status in Ijtihad, and a high rank in piety and Justice from what I have witnessed and felt. And I have found him worthy for the issuance of Fatwas and for being followed, and to take on the role suitable for a Just Faqih (Jurist). Thus, his Taqlid is permissible, and referring to him in everything that is conditional to the permission of a Just Marja Taqlid. And I remind him of piety and precaution, as it is the path of success in all matters. Similarly, I request my believing brothers to be involved with him and to benefit from him in various fields. Indeed, Allah is the provider of success, support, and he is who we turn to for aid.
Mohammad al Shirazi


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