Maulana Ahmed Ali Abedi, representative of the Grand Ayatollah Sistani questioned the target killing of Shias in Pakistan

Shia Isna Ashari Community of Mumbai and Thane called for a press conference on Tuesday, 26th February to condemn the second major bombing since the year 2013 each one of them killing more then a hundred.
Religious scholars of Shias, Sunnis and Christian community together condemned the attack.

Maulana Ahmed Ali Abedi, Friday prayer leader of Khoja jame Masjid, Mumbai and also a well known representative of the Grand Ayatollah Sistani (one of the highest learned scholar in Shia community across the globe) questioned the target killing of high professionals in Pakistan and explaining that this professionals are human assets and not a community asset and people killing them are against humanity and hence have no religion. He condemned the target killing as well as all the bombing in Pakistan as well as a recent one in Hyderabad, demanding all Muslims to be united.
Father Joe, a Christian priest gave his condolences over the terror attacks, giving a verse from Bible to support his speech. He explained that killing of innocent children is like killing a generation and not just a child.
Maulana Mahmood Daryabadi, a Sunni religious scholar pointed this attacks as a big international plot by America to sow discord amongst Muslims, praising the Muslims in India to be smart enough compared to the neighbouring country, specially the scholars from different sects of Muslims who always tend to be united to avoid the enemy taking advantage of our religious difference. He asked all Muslims sect to be united to save the Muslim face globally.
Maulana Roohe Zafar, a well known scholar and also Daily prayer leader at Khoja Jame Masjid, Mumbai explained there are different Muslims sects but all worship a common God, follow a common book (Quran), believe in a common Messanger(saw) then why the difference between all the sects. There are so many points to be united. He asked the Indian government to take concrete steps against Shia killing in United Nations.

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We are group of Shia students whose aim is to make reach the fact about real islam and answer the doubts raised against shiaism in mondern days.


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