February 14, A Day for Demanding Islamic Values

The nation of Bahrain seeks Islamic democracy and is against western democracy that spreads decadence.

This is according to Nazi Karmi, a Bahraini Muslim activist who also told IQNA that February 14 is a day for demanding the nation’s rights and Islamic values such as freedom, dignity, justice and fraternity.

She said the revolution of the people of Bahrain began on February 14, 2011 at Pearl Square in Manama, though the movement of the people of the country has been going on since the 1980s in the form of an Intifada.

Ms Karimi said some of people’s demands were realized in 2002 after Isa bin Salman Al-e Khalifa was replaced by his son Hamad bin Isa, however, the little reform did not lead to realization of the nation’s main demands.

According to the activist, following the Islamic Awakening in Tunisia and Egypt, the movement of the nation of Bahrain got momentum and the people began the February 14 Revolution.

She referred to peacefulness and having religious leadership as the two main distinguishing characteristics of the Bahraini uprising.

Ms Karimi stressed that despite the al-e Khalifa’s violent crackdown on popular protests, the nation’s protests have remained peaceful.

She said Sheikh Issa Ghassem as a religious leader helps people in their pursuit of their objectives, noting that unlike countries like Tunisia, Egypt and Yemen, Bahrain’s uprising is led by a religious figure.

Nazi Karmi further referred to the plots of the arrogant powers and said the world hegemony seeks to foment discord in every country based on the conditions of that country and Bahrain has not been spared the plot.

She went on to say that the people of Bahrain want reforms or an end to the rule of Al-e Khalifa regime.

Karimi, along with a number of other Bahraini women attended a Quranic course held by the university Jihad.


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