Orphan, Poverty are the fate of human life but on seeing the pathetic condition of five orphan sisters, one is forced to pray to God not to deprive the patronage of father.
In a time, when poor families become still paupers in performing the marriages of their daughters. They incur debts and face starvation. In such a family, how can one imagine wedding not only of one but five orphan girls. They not only lost their father, their mother also passed away.
The tragedy of the five sisters residing of in Malakpet area is that they are facing the troubles of being orphans. There is no one in their family who could bear their expenses. One cousin Mr. Sajid Ali helps them now and then but he also can’t fulfill their daily needs.
Due to lack of money, the marriages of these orphans couldn’t be performed for the past 20 years. The eldest sister’s age is now 45 years and the youngest is 22 years old. They are good looking but they lack money to perform marriage. They live under the guardianship of their paternal aunt who is also a widow. Three sisters work in a confectionery shop. After working from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm each one earns Rs. 100 daily. After working hard for 15 years, even one sister’s marriage couldn’t be performed.
They are hopeful that one day their luck would favour them and they would be relieved of this hard work.
Is there any one in the community who would come to their rescue? Philanthropists of the community are requested to come forward to help them.
Their address is H.No. 16-3-316 Malakpet and their bank account number is 523502011032954 account holder name MD.SASJID ALI (her brother)Union Bank of India, Malakpet. Ph: 8179669159.
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