Questions and Answers on Sawm (Fasting)- Roza

Question 1 – Is it permitted to swim in the sea or a pond during the day in the month of Ramadhan? 
Answer 1 – It is allowed as long as you do not swallow the water. 
Question2 – Is it permissible to put on facial creams while fasting? 
Answer 2 – It does not affect fasting. 
Question 3 – Are you allowed to swallow your saliva even if it was in your mouth? 
Answer 3 – It is permissible. 
Question 4 – If a person brushes his teeth with toothpaste but accidentally swallows the paste? 
Answer 4 – His fast is not void if he was confident with himself during rinsing. 
Question 5 – If a person rinsed his mouth so that he can wash it but accidentally swallowed water? 
Answer 5 – His fast is not void if he was confident with himself during rinsing. 
Question 6 – I work in construction and cant work and fast at the same time because of the hot weather, so what do I do? 
Answer 6 – It is compulsory to fast, but if your thirst reached a limit where you fear you might harm yourself or collapse and in a difficult situation then drink only what is necessary and hold your fast for the rest of the day, but also make up for this fast after Ramadhan. 
Question 7 – Does putting on kohl and perfume break your fast? 
Answer 7 – It does not break your fast. 
Question 8 – Can the baker drink water during the holy month of Ramadhan? 
Answer 8 – If he became thirsty to the extent he feared for himself from harm or collapsing and in a difficult situation it is permissible for him to drink but he must make up for it later on. It is an obligatory precaution to suffice on what is necessary and holding the fast for the rest of the day. 
Question 9 – A person was sure that he had performed Ghusl (ritual ablution) and so fasted the month of Ramadhan, but after some time he realised that he hadn’t performed Ghusl, so what is the ruling of his fast? 
Answer 9 – His fast is correct. 
Question 10 – What is the ruling of one who narrates a weak tradition while fasting without relating it to whom or who narrates it? 
Answer 10 – His fast does not become void. 
Question 11– A person is fasting and forgot that he is fasting, and asked from another person to provide him with water. Is it permissible to provide him with water or the person providing the water should remind him of his fasting? 
Answer 11– It is permissible to provide him with water. 
Question 12– I am suffering from physical weakness and poor health when fasting during the whole year and am unable to practice my daily work properly while fasting, and I stay in psychological constriction till the end of the month and I don’t have the Islamic ruling because I am an engineer and my work involves engineering projects. 
Answer 12– It is not permissible to break the fast just for the weakness except if it harms you or causes an illness or unbearable awkwardness. But if working while fasting is the cause to that weakness, then one should change the working hours or reduce them or search for another job etc. 
Question 13– Is there a harm on the validity of the fast in applying cosmetics on the body, and also the powder? 
Answer 13– there is no harm 
Question 14– Am I allowed during the obligatory and recommended fasts to use tooth brush and tooth paste or is it from the things that invalidate the fast. 
Answer 14– It is permissible only if nothing descends in the abdomen. 
Question 15– Is it permissible for a fasting person to gargle with water and other. 
Answer 15– It is permissible for a fasting person to gargle with water with the intention of wudhu (ablution), and for other reasons, only if he/she does not swallow any water deliberately, and he/she must spit out his/her saliva after the gargle three times. 
Question 16– Is it permissible to use a Miswak (tooth stick) during the state of fasting? 
Answer 16– It is permissible for a fasting person to use a tooth stick, but if the person took out the Miswak (tooth stick) form his/her mouth, he/she must not return it to ones mouth when it contains moisture except if the person spits out whatever is in the mouth from saliva, after returning it to the mouth, or the moisture that’s on the Miswak (tooth stick) vanishes in the saliva. 
Question 17– Is it permissible to inject a needle and the nutrient during the state of fasting? 
Answer 17– Injecting a medicine or other via a needle in a muscle or the jugular vein does not invalidate the fast. Similarly using liquid drops in the ear or the eye does not invalidate the fast even if it caused an appearance of colour or taste in the mouth. Also the fast is not invalidated by using the spray that facilitates the respiratory process if the substance goes in the wind wipe and not the food pipe. 
Question 18– An aeroplane pilot is imposed, at the end of his working hours, to drink water in every while, what is the ruling of his fasting? 
Answer 18– If the mentioned work during the month of ramadhan is necessary to secure his salary and leaving it will cause awkwardness, then there is no harm in drinking a necessary amount of water and do qadha (fasting the day later in the year) of that day and there is no kaffara (a penance) to be paid by him. 
Question 19– If someone was forced to work and was required to drink water, either for necessity like the example of the pilot or due to the extreme heat in the weather. What is he/she to do in the hold month of ramadhan? 
Answer 19– If the mentioned work during the month of ramadhan is necessary to secure his salary and leaving it will cause extreme hardship and awkwardness, then there is no harm in drinking a necessary amount of water and do qatha (fasting the day later in the year) of that day and there is no kaffara (a penance) to be paid by him. 
Question 20– We are in Boden city in northern Sweden where the night in this place does not exceeds an hour and a half, that is from about 12am to 2am with the visibility of the redness of the sunrise is present, clear and polish and there is no evidence of darkness of the night, so we are in confusion in terms of the timings of the Maghrib, Isha’a and morning prayers. This is in terms of the timings, in terms of the month of Ramadhan, if it begins during these days, what will the fasting procedure be? 
Answer 20– If the sunrise redness does not disappear at all, then Maghrib (sunset) is after the whole moon is covered completely and making sure of this is a must. The time for morning prayer is before the sunrise and one must fast the whole of this day with the ability to do so. If one falls in unbearable awkward situation, then breaking the fast is permissible and doing qatha (fasting the day later in the year) after that.

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