Pakistan has become a hub of terrorism. In 2012 target killing of Shiites brutally took almost lives of 400 members of the community by the fanatic infidels.
It is noted that there was protest around the world by Muslims particularly Shia Muslims against iniquitous killing of innocents.
In India too protest against the target killing of Shias by the terrorist organizations has been convoyed. But still the take of Indian Government on this serious issue is quite hurting and shows the weakness of the government against Pakistan terrorism. The irony is that many Hindus in Pakistan were also killed in the attacks as those terrorists believe that both Shia and Hindu are Kafir (Infidel) or in their evil minds all people belonging to other religions and faith are infidel and should be killed. They just accept only the people of their own ideologies. It is really disgusting that the image of Islam the Most peaceful religion is slandered by these so-called disguised Muslims (as terrorists call themselves).
Some prominent Shiite clerics and Scholars commented on the issue-
Maulana Meesam Zaidi said, “Are those terrorists killing Shias in Pakistan working on the ideologies of Aurangzeb who killed his own brother and father, is this Islam?
“it is in fact demeaning to see that some so-called Muslims have mourned the death of Saddam, the killers of many Iraqis Shias and Osama bin laden, the most wanted terrorist and they would have made any protest against Gaddafi, the Libyan and a big tyrant of the Arab world, who also killed Muslims.. This shows the intention and precarious ideologies of false flag-bearers of Islam”. He added.
Maulana Mustafa Ali Khan, Representative of Great Shiite Iranian Religious Leader Ayatollah Sadiq Shirazi (ar) spoke on the issue and said, “Zionist have Implemented Terrorism, they are the maker of extremists and terrorists. Pakistan is the capital of Country of terrorism lead by America, Israel and Saudi. This target killing is the result of extremism and hatred extended by the terrorists in the name of Islam.”
Maulana Mirza Mohammad Athar, Chairman of All India Shia Personal Law Board (AISPLB), Have written a letter to Prime Minister of India appealing government to issue ‘Long term Visa’ to the Hindus and Shias of India there in Pakistan to lead a peaceful life as Canada and Tibet have given to their natives.
Maulana Yasoob Abbas, Member of AISPLB, echoed that Pakistan call itself as an Islamic country but it is totally against humanity and un-Islamic. He requested PM of India to address the issue seriously as Not only Shias but Hindus were also attacked there and their temples have bombed. In a rally on 17 December 2012 organized by Him from Nakhas to Vidhan Sabha, Lucknow; he with huge crowd protested against the atrocities of Pakistan and its law and order situation.
In 2012 in a speech Maulana Kalbe Sadiq , member of All India Muslim personal law board (AIMPLB) termed Pakistan as ‘Papistan’ meaning as Paap Sthan or a ‘Sinful Place’.
Prominent Shiite Religious leader of Lucknow, Maulana Kalbe Jawwad in an exclusive interview to TCN said, “Genocide of Shias in Pakistan is under the divide and destroy policy of America and Israel in association with Saudi Arab. Pakistan has ‘No Government’; it’s only the puppet of America and Israel”.
The scenario in 2013 is same as 2012 but there is increase in the killings in just 3 months, 243 Shias were killed in Quetta only and 45 were killed in Karachi bombing in February.
There is growing anger and frustration by the public because of the lack of action by the Pakistani government to find and punish those responsible. Human rights group have accused the Pakistani government of turning a “blind eye” to the bombings.
Ali Gokal writes in Huffington post-
If you still doubt whether these "incidents" in Pakistan are worthy of our attention, I refer you to this alarming letter from Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, a public calls-to-arms:
"All Shiites’ are worthy of killing. We will rid Pakistan of unclean people. Pakistan means land of the pure and the Shiites’ has no right to live in this country. We have the edict and signatures of revered scholars, declaring Shiites’ infidels. Just as our fighters have waged a successful jihad against the Shiite Hazaras in Afghanistan, our mission in Pakistan is the abolition of this impure sect and its followers from every city, every village and every nook and corner of Pakistan.

"Like in the past, our successful jihad against the Hazaras in Pakistan and, in particular, in Quetta, is ongoing and will continue in the future. We will make Pakistan the graveyard of the Shiite Hazaras and their houses will be destroyed by bombs and suicide bombers. We will only rest when we will be able to fly the flag of true Islam on this land of the pure. Jihad against the Shi'ite Hazaras has now become our duty.

"We will not let them escape alive in 2013 from Balochistan."
This kind of thinking and ideologies are perverted by these extremists in the name of Islam and unfortunately people starts analyzing Islam in light of this picture which makes a perception that terrorist are mostly Muslims But ironically No Shia have ever been reported to be associated with any terrorist attack, It proves that the Followers of the Martyr of Humanity, Imam Husain(as) never retaliate by attacking innocents and even they believe in prevailing unity and peace with the people of other religions all over the world But the conspirators in the fear of losing their leadership and control motivate the hatred among the extremist and use it for their political gains.

The fire of Pakistan dropped few ashes in India too as recently In Lucknow, In a Religious gathering of Moharram in deputy azim Imambada, Shiites have been gunned down by the extremists just a day before that protest march against shia killing in Pakistan. Those extremists attacked the mourners of the Grandson of Prophet Mohammad (sww) while the orator was addressing the gathering. It took lives of two innocent youths, one Shia and one Hindu. It evinces the similarity of the attacks on shias in Pakistan.

If State governments of India haven’t took any strict action against the culprits there will be a time when our country will soon be invaded by the ideologies of terrorists.

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We are group of Shia students whose aim is to make reach the fact about real islam and answer the doubts raised against shiaism in mondern days.


  1. Aggression is prohibited in Shia Islam . Defence is not . Arise the young generation of Shia Qaum .
    Premptive strike on actual terrolrists and killers
    is no sin . Not a single Al-Qaedah , Talebaan,LET and Sipah e Sahabah etc , all such outfits should
    be elliminated once for all .This is the only Sol.



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