In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent

Allah (the Almighty) says:
«Indeed, those who hurt Allah and His Messenger, Allah has cursed them in this world and the Hereafter, and has prepared for them a humiliating punishment.» [The Qur'an 33:57]

I have read - while pain has filled my heart - what has been written by the evil hand of the so-called Abdul-Rahman al-Dimashqiyah of serious abuse towards the position of Al-Siddiqa al-Tahira (may thousands of greetings and praises be upon her). And it has come in his villainous insult and recklessness how he does not care about the belief of millions of Muslims in her mighty position and eminent rank (may peace be upon her).

In my legislative responsibility I call all the Muslims of the world - especially the heads of states and people of religious verdicts - to make the first move in taking an honest and certain position from this Nasibi who insulted the women of the Great Messenger of Allah (may Allah's blessings be upon him and his family) and the Commander of the Faithful, Ali bin Abi-Talib (may peace be upon him). Otherwise, if they stay quiet, they would be taking part in his enormous and heinous crime. I do not know with what face they meet people of other religions, and the honor of the daughter of their prophet. The Prophet of Islam has been disgraced in front of all people of the world and they are not raising a finger, but when someone would insult one of their own daughters they would turn the world upside down?! And with what tongue shall they have excuses in front of the Great Messenger of Allah (may Allah's blessings be upon him and his family) when they shall be brought in front of him on the Major Day of Judgment - claiming to be of his nation - and he would ask them about their shameful silence and humiliating position in the case of the insult of his holy honor?!

I would not be telling a secret when I would say that this wicked Nasibi's blood is allowed to waste. There is no dignity for him and his kinds, except if he would apologize immediately in front of Allah, His Messenger, Al-Siddiqa al-Kubra al-Tahira, and all the Muslims for his ugly crime.
«Those who acted unjustly shall come to know what a reverse they will be overturned.» [The Qur'an 26:227]

Mohammad Sadiq al-Hussaini al-Rouhani

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