The Great Shia Ulama of India

Allamah Mir Hamid Husain Musavi
He was son of Mufti Muhammad Quli, was born in Meerut, India, on 5th Muharaam 1246 (27th June, 1830). He studied Arabic literature with Mufti Mohammad Abbas, and Sayyidul Ulama Seyyid Husain (the youngest son of Ghufran Ma'ab) trained him in FIQH and Usool.
Seyyid Hamid Husain acquired his knowledge of the Islamic sciences in India, and although he visited many scholars during his pilgrimage to Arabia and Iraq, his main interest lay in collecting books and manuscripts for doctrinal and historical research. Ulama of Iran and Iraq have paid glowing tributes to him in their evaluation of his copious contributions, particularly the encyclopedic work on Imamah, called 'ABAQATUL ANWAR'.
Ayatullah Seyyid Muhsin Amili in his 'A'AYANU SSHIA' says: " A man of his eloquence, proficiency in Traditions, Islamic history and Theology is not to be found during his time. In fact, neither before nor after. If we said that a scholar of his status has not appeared after the era of MUFEED and MURTADHA, it would not be an exaggeration…"
His work on FIQH includes "ALDHARAE" which is a commentary on 'SHARAE', 'ZAINUL WASAIL', 'ALSHARIAH ALGHARRA', 'ALNAJM ALTHAQIB' and others.
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Allamah Seyyid Dildar Ali "Ghufran Ma'ab"
He is popularly known as Ghufran Ma'ab, was the son of Seyyid Muhammad Muin bin Seyyid Abdul Hadi. It would seem that his family, like many other Seyyid families, left Nishapur (Iran) because of the Mongol invasion and settled in India. He was born in 1166 AH. He completed his early studies in India, and in 1193 AH travelled to Iraq for further studies. Among his tutors in Iraq were great Fuqaha like Shaikh Ja'far Kashiful Ghita, and Wahid Behbehani. Later, he went to Mashhad (Iran) for further studies.
Seyyid Dildar Ali, while in India, was of Akhbari persuasion, but he changed to Usuli school after his intensive studies in Iraq. Upon his return to Lucknow, he became a Marja' in India, his fatwas being regarded as final by the Shia populace.
His magnum opus in Theology (IlmulKalam) is known as "ImadulIslam" which he wrote in Arabic, in refutation of antishia arguments by FakhrudDin Razi. His detailed work in FIQH is 'MUNTAHAL AFKAR'. His sons were also pious, dedicated scholars and teachers.
Seyyid Dildar Ali died in the night of 19th Rajab 1235 (2nd May 1820), and was buried in Lucknow.
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Mufti Muhammad Abbas
He was son of Seyyid Ali Akbar Jazaeri Shushtari, was born at the end of Rabiul Awwal 1224 AH. (15th May 1809). As a child, he was gifted and precocious, having composed an Urdu MATHNAVI on Shia doctrines at the age of 12. More than 150 of his books have been published but a large number still remain in manuscript form. He never visited Arabia, yet Arab scholars were impressed by his Arabic prose and poetry.
His deep understanding of FIQH prompted Sultanul Ulama, Seyyid Muhammad, son of Ghufran Ma'ab, to appoint him the MUFTI of Lucknow. Mufti Muhammad Abbas compiled a guide book for the Qadhis and Mufties of AWADH and the principles laid down by him were followed by the judiciary.
He had six sons, one of them Mufti Seyyid Ahmad Ali (died in 1969) was also a Faqih of repute. He was the principle of Nazmia Arabic College, Lucknow.
Mufti Mohammad Abbas died on 25th Rajab 1306 (27th March 1889) at Lucknow.
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Allamah Seyyid Najmul Hasan
He was popularly known as Najmul Millat. He was the son of Seyyid Akbar Husain of Amroha. Seyyid was born on 6th Dhul Hijja 1279 (25th May 1863). He was a favorite disciple and son-in-law of Mufti Muhammad Abbas.
He studied all the higher faculties, including Fiqh and Usool in India, under the tutelage of Abul Hasan Abbu Sahib and Mufti Muhammad Abbas. Himself a Faqih of the first rank, he trained several Ulama like Seyyid Sibte Hasan, Seyyid Adeel Akhtar and Hafiz Kitayat Husain.
He will ever be remembered for his services to the Shias of Tibet, Burma, Africa, and countries in the West, rendered through the missionaries trained in his Madrassah Nazmiah, Lucknow.
He died on 17th Safar 1351 AH (18th April 1938).
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