Call the name of this month with respect: We should avoid calling this month by its name as though it is like any other month. Many of us usually say "Ramadhan is here" or "Ramadhan is coming". The Holy Prophet (saww) has asked us to accord highest degree of respect even to the name of this holy month because it is also one of the names of Allah (SWT).

The Holy Prophet (saww) said, "Do not say: Ramadhan, for verily Ramadhan is one of the names of Allah. Instead say: The month of Ramadhan". (Kanzul-'Ummaal)

Shaytan, the greatest enemy of mankind is imprisoned in this holy month: The Shayateen are taken as captives so that they do not interfere with the good deeds of the true believers and do not mislead them into haram acts. Therefore, whatever evil we commit in this holy month, we ourselves shall be blamed for the same.

It is the tendency of man to blame others for his wrong-doings. Although Shaytan does misguide man, but man has already been forewarned about him and has been blessed with Aql (reasoning power) to take heed of the warning and be careful of him. On the day of Judgement, when man will be questioned about his misdeeds, he will immediately blame Shaytan for it. But Shaytan will say: "I never forced him into anything. I simply invited him and he responded".

"The like of Shaytan is that he tells man: Disbelieve. And when he disbelieves, he says: I am absolved from you, verily I fear the Lord of the worlds". (59:16)

However, in the holy month of Ramadhan, Shaytan is actually imprisoned so that he does not invite others to misdeeds. The Holy Prophet (saww) has said that, "Allah (SWT) has appointed for every accursed Shaytan seven Angels so that they are not free till this month of yours passes by". (Bihar al-Anwaar)

He (saww) also said: "Allah (SWT) tells Jibrael: Descend towards the earth and imprison the Shayateen so that they do not corrupt the fasts of My servants". (Bihar al-Anwaar)

In this month, sins are forgiven: We should therefore seek forgiveness for all our sins and ammend ourselves. The doors of Heaven are opened on the first night of this holy month and are not shut till its last night. Thousands of Angels ascend and descend between the heavens and the earth every day and night of the month. The Holy Prophet (saww) has said: "This month is called Ramadhan because it burns down the sins".(Kanzul-'Ummaal). He (saww) also said: "He is a wretched who is denied forgiveness from Allah (SWT) in this month". (Bihar al-Anwaar)

It is said that one, who is not forgiven in this holy month, shall not be forgiven in any other months unless he presents himself on the plain of 'Arafah (in Hajj) to seek forgiveness.

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