Second Conference of Mahdawi Authors Held with Ayatollah Sanad in Attendance (image report)

According to a report released on Imam Mahdi (a.s.) website, Ayatollah Shaykh Muhammad Sanad, one of the teachers of the holy seminary of Najaf traveled to Isfahan, the city of Allamah Majlisi, on the invitation of Ayatollah Sayyid Mahmood Bahrul Ulum Mirdamadi, may Allah grant him long life. He attended ‘2nd Conference of Mahdawi Authors’ which was held Wednesday 29 August 2012 in Vali-e Asr (atf) World Center. Ayatollah Sanad elaborated on certain technical topics including ‘Raj’ah’ (return) e.g. Mahdawiyah, return and future prospects.
Ayatollah Sanad has authored scientific books on various specialized subjects. One of his invaluable works is titled “Da’wa al-Safarah fi Ghaibat al-Kubra” (the Complex Dilemma of Apocalypse). He elaborated on the issue of Raj’ah and its substantiation through narrations transmitted from the Infallibles – peace be upon them, and said that there was deep connection between knowledge of Imamate (leadership) and cognition of the issue of Raj’ah (return).
Later in the program, this seminary teacher and prominent scientific figure of the Islamic seminary of Najaf was honored for his scientific efforts and valuable works. The honorary award was given to him by Ayatollah Sayyid Abdul Hussein Rawazati (may Allah grant him long life) on behalf of Vali-e Asr (atf) World Center.

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